If you have ever thought about how great it would be to distribute your content on the internet through your own Internet TV Channel, we have you covered. Our system is designed to allow you to have all of your content in one place and distribute it where you choose. One place that works well for content creators is a web based TV station.

We can build a website from scratch or we can add your TV Channel to your existing website. You also have the flexibility to only put some content on your Television Channel or to include it all. Want to have your content behind a paywall? No Problem. Add membership options that let you bill for content as you choose. Have multiple membership levels, bill monthly or annually. It’s totally up to you.
As always with Exporexi, you are in control of your content and how it is used and what you can display. Learn more about Channel Monetization.

Easily add live streaming to reach your audience in real time. Broadcast lessons, concerts and events or your pod cast directly to your website and any Streaming TV platforms you have channels on.

A web based TV Channel could be the perfect way to start your TV channel journey. Once you start an internet TV Channel, you might decide to turn it into an android app for easy access on a cell phones or tablets. Or maybe Amazon Fire and Roku are the next steps. It is easy and economical to upgrade later to any of the other platforms we offer. It’s up to you.
Contact us to find out more.
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